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Images of Plutons and Intrusions

Dikes are tabular intrusions that cut across sedimentary layers and other rocks. Sills squeeze in between layers. Stocks and batholiths are large intrusions that may be miles across and miles deep. Stocks are exposed over an area of less than 100 square kilometers, while batholiths are larger. Composite batholiths are aggregates of numerous batholiths and stocks that cover a vast region. The Sierra Nevada batholith is an example.

Dikes and Sills
Dike near Lake Mead Dike near Lake Mead Close up of Dike near Lake Mead Pegmatite Dike, San Bernardino Mountains Basalt Dike Basalt dike in cinder cone, AZ
Dike near Lake Mead, Arizona Dike near Lake Mead, Arizona Close up of margin of dike, Lake Mead, AZ Pegmatite Dike, San Bernardino Mountains, CA Basalt dike in cinder cone near Williams, AZ Basalt dike in cinder cone near Williams, AZ
Stirling Castle built on dike Stirling Castle built on dike Salisbury Crags, Scotland Dasses sill, Edinburgh, Scotland Hutton's sill, Salisbury Crags, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sill on coast of Isle of Skye, Scotland Stirling Castle, built on a dike, Scotland Stirling Castle, built on a dike, Scotland Hutton's sill at Salisbury Crags, Edinburgh, Scotland Dasses Sill, Edinburgh, Scotland Hutton's sill, Salisbury Crags, Edinburgh, Scotland
Dikes in granitic rock, Kings Cyn  National Park Dikes in Inyo Mountains Mafic dike in Pine Creek Canyon Mafic dike near Darwin Falls in Death Valley National Park Basalt dikes in Death Valley Basalt dike in Furnace Creek Formation
Dikes in granitic rock, Kings Canyon National Park Dike in Inyo Mountains, Inyo County, CA Mafic dike in Pine Creek Canyon, Sierra Nevada, CA Mafic dike near Darwin Falls, Death Valley National Park Basalt dikes in Furnace Creek Formation, Death Valley National Park Basalt dike in Furnace Creek Formation, Death Valley National Park
Devils Backbone, a dike exposed at Crater Lake Granite Intrusions at Painted Wall in Black Canyon of the Gunnison Granite dikes at the Painted Wall in Black Canyon of the Gunnison in Colorado      
Devils Backbone, a dike exposed in the walls of Crater Lake, Oregon Granite dikes at the Painted Wall in Black Canyon of the Gunnison in Colorado Granite dikes at the Painted Wall in Black Canyon of the Gunnison in Colorado      
Stocks and Batholiths
Castle Crags stock, Klamath Mountains, California Castle Crags stock, Klamath Mountainss Edge of batholith, Pine Creek Canyon, Sierra Nevada Central Sierra Nevada and Long Valley Caldera Clouds Rest, Yosemite, exposure of batholith El Capitan contact of batholith plutons
Castle Crags stock, Klamath Mountains, CA Castle Crags stock, Klamath Mtns, Dunsmuir, CA Contact of Sierra Nevada batholith with country rocks, Pine Creek, CA Central Sierra Nevada, showing batholith and Long Valley Caldera Large exposure of batholith, Clouds Rest, Yosemite National Park East wall, El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, contact zonex of plutons
North America pluton on El Capitan Intrusion contacts on El Capitan granite contact Granite contact Sierra foothills Batholith exposure Little Yosemite Valley Batholith contact zone Hetch Hetchy
"North America pluton" on El Capitan, Yosemite Valley Intrusive contacts on El Capitan, Yosemite Valley Granite contact detail, Guadalupe Mtn, Sierra Nevada foothills Granite contact, Guadalupe Mtn, Sierra Nevada foothills Sierra Nevada batholith, Little Yosemite Valley Batholith contact zone, Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite National Park
Roof of granitic magma chamber at Joshua Tree National Park          
Roof of granitic magma chamber at Joshua Tree National Park          
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