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Images of Mammals
Bear at Crane Flat in Yosemite ELK Elk Rack Pronghorn Antelope Prairie Dog Prairie Dogs
American Black Bear at Crane Flat in Yosemite Elk grazing in Yellowstone -srh

Elk Rack on display at Yellowstone -srh

Pronghorn Antelope in Yellowstone -srh

Prairie Dog Prairie Dogs
Bison at Grand Tetons National Park Bighorn Sheep at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Bighorn ewe at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Bighorn Sheep at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Bighorn ewe at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Columbian Ground Squirrel
Bison at Grand Teton National Park Bighorn Sheep at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Bighorn ewe at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Bighorn ewe at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Bighorn ewe at Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada Columbian Ground Squirrel in British Columbia
Baby bighorns at Jasper National Park Antelope and calf at Great Basin National Park Wild horse in western Nevada Wild horse in western Nevada Elk in Kawuneeche Valley Coyote at Yosemite
Baby bighorns at Jasper National Park Antelope and calf at Great Basin National Park Wild horse in western Nevada Wild horse in western Nevada Elk in Kawuneeche Valley, Rocky Mountain National Park Coyote at Yosemite National Park
Sea Lion near Big Sur Black bear in Sequoia National Park Black bear in Sequoia National Park Pine marten at Lassen Volcanic National Park Bighorn sheep in Grand Canyon Bighorn sheep in Grand Canyon
Sea Lion near Big Sur, CA Black bear in Sequoia National Park Black bear in Sequoia National Park Pine marten at Lassen Volcanic National Park Bighorn sheep in Grand Canyon Bighorn sheep in Grand Canyon
Images of Reptiles and Amphibians
Racer at Chaco Canyon Collared Lizard at Canyonlands National Park Collared Lizard at Colorado National Monument Racer in water in Mule Canyon Utah    
Racer at Chaco Culture National Historical Park Collared Lizard at Canyonlands National Park Collared Lizard at Colorado National Monument Racer in water in Mule Canyon Utah    
Lizard at Lava Beds National Monument Juvenile alligator in Colorado  Lizard on Bishop Tuff in Owens Valley  Bluebelly lizard in Owens Valley    
Lizard at Lava Beds National Monument Juvenile alligator in Colorado (highest resolution)  Lizard on Bishop Tuff in Owens Valley  Bluebelly lizard in Owens Valley    
Gopher snake in Owens Valley CA Gopher snake in Owens Valley CA Gopher snake in Owens Valley CA      
Gopher snake in Owens Valley CA Gopher snake in Owens Valley CA Gopher snake in Owens Valley CA      
Images of Birds
Common Nighthawk Kildeer Great Horned Owl Swift Magpie Western Tanager
Common Nighthawk Kildeer at Mammoth Hot Springs-srh Great Horned Owl at Captain Jacks Stronghold Swift at Yellowstone Magpie at Yellowstone Western Tanager at Jenny Lake
Western Tanager at Grand Teton National Park White pelicans at Grand Tetons Ducklings and momma California Condors in Grand Canyon Raven in snow at Grand Canyon Raven in snow at Grand Canyon
Western Tanager at Grand Tetons National Park White pelicans at Grand Teton National Park Ducklings and momma California Condors in Grand Canyon Raven in snow at Grand Canyon Raven in snow at Grand Canyon
Raven in snow at Grand Canyon Raven in snow at Grand Canyon Ravens at Bryce Canyon National Park Hawk on Sentinel Dome in Yosemite Hawk on Sentinel Dome in Yosemite Barred Owl in Muir Woods National Monument
Raven in snow at Grand Canyon Raven at Grand Canyon Ravens at Bryce Canyon National Park Hawk on Sentinel Dome in Yosemite Hawk on Sentinel Dome in Yosemite Barred Owl in Muir Woods National Monument
Brown Pelican near Big Sur Brown Pelican near Big Sur Big Sur California Condor Roadrunner at Joshua Tree National Monument Lesser goldfinch Eurasian Collared Dove
Brown Pelican near Big Sur Brown Pelican near Big Sur Big Sur California Condor Roadrunner at Joshua Tree National Park Lesser goldfinch, Central Valley CA Eurasian Collared Dove, Central Valley CA
American Kestrel Scrub Jay Yellow Billed Magpie European Starling Nutall Western Bluebird male
American Kestrel, Tuolumne River in La Grange, CA Scrub jay, Central Valley, CA Yellow billed Magpie, Central Valley CA European Starling, Central Valley CA Nutall's Woodpecker, Central Valley CA Western Bluebird, male, Central Valley CA
Western Bluebird, female Blue Heron at Silver Lake and Mt St Helens Western Meadowlark Western Meadowlark Turkey Vulture White Crowned Sparrow
Western Bluebird, female, Central Valley CA Blue Heron at Silver Lake near Mt St Helens, WA Western Meadowlark, Florence Oregon Western Meadowlark, Florence Oregon Turkey Vulture, Point Arena CA White crowned sparrow, Florence Oregon, male
White crowned sparrow Cedar Waxwing Cedar Waxwing Cedar Waxwings Mockingbird up close Great Egret
White crowned sparrow, Florence Oregon, female Cedar Waxwing, San Joaquin Valley, CA Cedar Waxwing, San Joaquin Valley, CA Cedar Waxwings, San Joaquin Valley, CA Mockingbird, San Joaquin Valley, CA Great Egret at Modesto Junior College
Great Egret Western Meadowlark at Hornitos, CA Western Meadowlark at Hornitos, CA Hutton's Vireo at MJC Western Bluebird Snowy Egret in Turlock, CA
Great Egret at Modesto Junior College Western Meadowlark at Hornitos, CA Western Meadowlark at Hornitos, CA Hutton's Vireo at Modesto Junior College Western Bluebird at Modesto Junior College Snowy Egret in Turlock, CA
Snowy Egret in Turlock, CA Female Great-tailed Grackle Male Great-tailed Grackle in Turlock, CA P1050466 Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)    
Snowy Egret in Turlock, CA Great-tailed Grackle (female) in Turlock, CA Great-tailed Grackle (male) in Turlock, CA  Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)    

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